Eczema & Psoriasis
What causes eczema & psoriasis?
Eczema & psoriasis are both chronic, non-contagious skin diseases. Eczema is a very itchy inflammation of the skin, which usually starts in early childhood and will recur throughout life. 1 in 3 people will suffer from eczema at some point in their lives but most at risk are people with a family history of an atopic disorder, including asthma or hay fever.
Atopic eczema is the most common form of the disease. The skin becomes red, dry, itchy and scaly and in severe cases, may weep, bleed and crust over causing the sufferer much discomfort. Sometimes the skin may become infected and the condition can also flare and subside for no apparent reason.
Eczema usually appears in early childhood (in babies between two-to-six months of age) and disappears at around six years of age. In fact, more than half of all eczema sufferers show signs within their first 12 months of life and 90 per cent of people develop eczema before the age of five.
Psoriasis usually takes the form of itchy, red, scaly, well-defined, thickened patches of skin of different sizes. These patches may appear on a small area of your body or may be very extensive and any part of the skin on your body and on your nails can be affected.
About 2% of the population has psoriasis. Normally the time between manufacturing and shedding skin cells is about 28 days but in psoriasis this process occurs about 7 times faster. To develop psoriasis you must carry a specific type of genetic material and experience a “trigger” condition. For example it is known that a bacterial infection, an injury or certain medications can stimulate psoriasis.
Both eczema & psoriasis can be debilitating, destroying self-confidence and leaving chronic sufferers with a low quality of life. But there is help here at totalcare where the skin experts can treat the effects.
The experts recommend:
M3 #aestheticsreborn Face and Body Machine
Our M3 device has a range of face and body treatments designed to treat a wide variety of conditions. We can use topical Oxybrasion to soothe the skin and apply a light airbrush of vitamins to help cool down and nourish the skin, which can stimulate your immune system to improve the condition.
Verdeoasi Pharmaceutical Grade Cosmetics
Verdeoasi is a line that is designed to meet the needs of every modern consumer. It has top-quality raw materials that give every single product an edge over the competition. There have been no recorded allergies to the line and we have products that are tailored for each and every skin type including combination, oily, clogged, dry, hydrated, sensitive, mature, and dull for the face and body. Let Totalcare help you find the perfect facial and home-care package to allow your skin to be at its best.
Vital O2 LUX- Oxytherapeutic System
The Vital O2 treatment is an oxygen facial that works with natural products to create a fantastic result for all types of clients. Vital O2 oxygen therapy for psoriasis has a totally natural antibacterial action on the skin tissue. Oxygen also helps to support the immune system reducing inflamed and irritated skin. There are two applications: Topical, where an oxygen bubble is placed over the skin to bathe the area for 30 minutes, and inhalation, where you inhale oxygen for 15 minutes which boosts the immune system and treats from the inside out. Studies have proven that the inhalation of oxygen stimulates and invigorates the body, reduces stress and also results in a better sleep pattern.
Our top tips to living with eczema & psoriasis:
- Always consult your doctor.
- Talk to an independent nutritionist and take allergy tests.
- Try to reduce stress in your life.
- Use cosmetics that are as close to nature as possible as some might be too harsh for broken and delicate skins.
Talk to your skincare therapist and always make sure you follow their specific recommendations for care before and after your treatment.

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