CARELIKA Apple Stem Cells Algae Peel Off Shaker Mask


Product Details

Apple stem cells have high regenerating effect, slow down the skin ageing process, restore micro circulation, improve metabolic processes and blood circulation. After applying the mask, a healthy complexion is restored, elasticity is increased, wrinkles are smoothed. The skin becomes velvety, dryness and flaking disappear.

Action: anti – age.
Colour: green.

CARELIKA Apple stem cells algae peel of shaker mask, 20g

Apple stem cells have high influence on human skin cells. It is active human skin cells biostimulator. Apple stem cells have a high regenerating effect, slows down skin ageing process, protects from photo ageing, stimulates synthesis of collagen and elastic fibres, restores micro circulation, improves metabolic processes and blood circulation. As a result, skin begins to produce III type collagen, which provides skin basic elasticity and it is produced only in young age.

After applying the mask, a healthy complexion is restored, elasticity is increased, wrinkles are smoothed.
The skin becomes velvety, dryness and flaking disappears.

A beauty ritual for your skin
  • Mix 100ml of water at 20°C and 25g powder. Shake vigorously for 5 – 10 seconds.
  • Apply the paste on the face.
  • Leave it for about 20 minutes.
  • Peel it off in one piece.CARELIKA Apple stem cells algae peel of shaker mask, 20g



Known for effective regeneration properties, slows down skin aging process, protects from photo aging, stimulates synthesis of collagen and elastic fibers, restores microcirculation, improves metabolic processes and blood circulation.
This jar can be reused by purchasing the powder in a separate refill sachet.

20g jar, 25g refill sachet
