I have been talking to loads of salons over the last few days and I’m hearing the same thing…

“What about the 2nd wave?”

Of course, they are talking about the novel coronavirus – COVID-19. I think people need to relax. The beauty industry has always had extremely high levels of Health & Safety incorporated into our working lives. We just need to take a breath and relax. This is only our first week open. Let us focus on us, and letting our standards be the nation’s standards 😉.

PPE is the new buzzword. I hate to say it but it’s something that needs to be over-cautious and super effective for the next few weeks and months ahead.

Dympna Fitzgerald- CEO Totalcare

Everyone’s biggest headache is cleaning. All the extra cleaning. A good and well executed cleaning routine is essential to getting over this headache. It is imperative that all our staff know the procedures and that they feel included on the process. It is important to make sure you have a paper trail, including a certificate saying you have done a COVID-19 training. There are lots of them out there, but make sure you are using their advice. Use the checklists. Use the fancy lingo. Use the routines. If you ever get an inspection, it will be like the Leaving Cert all over again; the examiners will be looking for the same thing so give them what they are looking for!

Creating a client experience is something we have to reinvent for our industry. A lot of salon owners are afraid of losing out on their clients because of the aftermath of this virus. Another thing they’re afraid of is charging more for the PPE. I think the word ‘recession’ being floated around is scaring people and SMEs. This is not like 2008. The recession is from government expenditure and a lack of currency circulation in the local market. People have been at home, businesses have been closed, so where does the money go? Our clients need to be reassured. I think the new client experience is based off three mantras:

  • Confidence – We have to show that we are confident in ourselves. Then we have to allow clients to be confident in themselves by explaining that it is OK to be nervous; we are too. It is OK to not want as much as you did before; little steps go a long way. It is OK to ask questions; that’s all we have asked ourselves for the 15 weeks we were closed.
  • Safe – Ensure to briefly explain to the client what you’re new procedures are. Explain that because people book in advance now, that you have 15 minutes of cleaning time between clients. Explain that it is safe, explain that they are priority.
  • Secure – If you have extras that other salons don’t have; boast about it. Explain the benefits in a brief way, this is your opportunity to spread the word:

Example: We have Ireland’s first All in One Air Sterilisation Device.

  • Benefits:      
  • 1.  Ozone Clearing (Non-Toxic, Effective, Noticeable)
  • 2. Ionisation (Ideal for asthma and hay fever suffers as it removes all allergens from the air)
  • 3. Ultrasound Humidification (Makes it an easier environment to breathe in, handy with all the disinfecting)
  • 4. Aromatherapy (Use decongestive oils to boost the immune system)

While talking to the client, do try and personalise the chat to them. Ben and I have worked extremely hard on creating a pre-appointment guideline sheet. It ensures that we have hit all the main points from a background & contact tracing point-of-view, and it allows you to upsell and make them feel more confident, safe, and secure. Asking questions that need them to engage like if they would like to have their lashes and/or brows done, would they like a free skincare consultation, or if they are running low on their favourite cream shows that you haven’t lost the personal touch, you’re adhering to the guidelines, and that it’s all about them.

From the salon point of view, PPE is the new buzzword. I hate to say it but it’s something that needs to be over-cautious and super effective for the next few weeks and months ahead. In our Clinic, any treatment that is focused on the client’s head/ face/ neck needs a NIOSH rated mask. What does this mean? It is a mask that is designed for workplaces, by American standards. Here’s a short blog on masks, that goes into a lot of detail. We only wear disposable aprons in waxing and thermocoagulation treatments, simply because we are struggling to get a reliable and cost-efficient supply. I have nothing against the use of these if it makes your client and/or therapist feel safer but mind your waste. We cannot forget there is a climate crisis. We use an Irish-made visor, N3DPS is the model of it. It’s very lightweight, and the acetate can be replaced very easily and cost-effectively. You can buy them here.

The beauty industry has always had extremely high levels of Health & Safety. Let us focus on this, and let our standards be the nation’s standards.

The last bit of advice I’ll give to salon owners is to try and enjoy your work. It can be easy to forget about why we do what we do. Take a moment to le the client thank you, take a moment to enjoy extracting that electrolysis-treated hair, look at the juicy roots after waxing, or the glistening shine off your client’s face after a facial. We are in this industry to help others, and we enjoy what we do. If there is something you no longer enjoy, then take it off the menu. I made the decision 3.5 years ago that I would only work doing treatments that would bring in €120 an hour. That meant I specialised in thermocoagulation, laser, APL, electrolysis, and our machine facials (which does not involve touching the client’s face, a handy plus nowadays). I hope to write another blog about this in a few weeks, but to tell you the truth, it was the best decision I ever made. I left the few bits of waxing and tinting to Joanne, who has since completely taken over the clinic; she’s a rock!

I hope you’ve learned a little from this. Feel free to contact us if you’ve any questions, comments, or queries. If you liked it, subscribe to the mailing list and tell a friend 😊.